Stress, depression and coping among adolescents: a case study of Mengo Senior School.
Uganda has recently seen many adolescents during this time causing harm unto themselves. One
of the causes of this unusual behavior having been stress and depression, I purposed to carry out a
study to examine the relationship between Stress, Depression and Coping among Adolescents in
Schools. A correlational study design that is quantitative and descriptive was adopted to establish
the relationship between the variables of which they were selected randomly. A total of 94
respondents both male and female participated in the study and these included 48 male and 46
female respondents. Data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) where Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test the significance of the
hypotheses. The study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between stress and
coping among adolescents; there was a significant relationship between stress and depression
among adolescents; further results also presented that there was no significant relationship between
depression and coping.