Catch patterns and size variation of Rastrineobola argentea (Mukene) at the Lambu and Kiyindi landing sites of Lake Victoria
Mukene (Rastrineobola argentea), an endemic and highly exploited pelagic cyprinid species in Lake Victoria, holds significant importance. It contributes significantly to local livelihoods, fostering the economic growth and development of riparian communities, and serving as a primary protein source for both human and animal consumption. Despite its profitability, the Mukene fishery faces challenges related to uneven spatial stock distribution, leading to increased un regulated exploitation of the fish stock including the harvesting of immature and undersized individuals at different landing sites. To address this issue, a fisher-based questionnaire method was employed to quantify effort and catch. Additionally, size composition of the catch was established and compared between the two sampling sites (Kiyindi and Lambu landing sites). The catch rate did not differ significantly p= 0.644, between the two landing sites, Kiyindi and Lambu, However, there was a statistical difference, P < 0.01 of the mean standard length of Mukene harvested Where Mukene from Kiyindi was bigger than Mukene from Lambu.
In response to the to the un even distribution of Mukene stocks across different fishing grounds, I therefore recommend for a sole management system of individual fishing grounds for maximum and easy monitoring in terms of catch and effort of Mukene stocks across different fishing grounds.