Semliki basin field study report
This report presents the results and interpretation of the findings of the Semliki basin field study, conducted on 15th – 24th March, 2021 by the department of geology and petroleum studies, School of Physical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences of Makerere University in the 2019/2020 Academic year for students pursuing Bachelor degree of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production. The fieldwork and excursion was held within the Albertine Graben, South and East of Lake Albert Basin targeting Kichwamba, Kisegi hill cut, Kibuku channel, Makondo fault and Turaco and Sempaya hot springs. Chapter 1 covers introduction of the Study area. Semliki basin is located in the West of Kampala city, at approximately 319km. It stretches along the Uganda – Democratic Republic of Congo border covering approximately 740 square kilometers, in the Western arm of the East African Rift system. Its depocenter lies in the Western rift margin and sediment layers dip towards it. Sediment thickness is over 4km. Chapter 2 describes the materials and the methods used. Materials included: Jacob’s stuff, Geological compass, Hoe and spade, camera, note book, pen, graph papers and pencil, base maps, Global Positioning System (GPS) and handlens. Methods included: measuring strike and dip procedures, sedimentary logging procedures, facies analysis procedures, determination of paleocurrent and geophysics procedures. Chapter 3 describes lithology and stratigraphy. Basement lithology comprises of granitic gneiss and amphibolite at Kichwamba and Kisegi hill cut. Sediments comprise of Sandstones and claystones with exposures in the Kibuku area. Furthermore, chapter 4 covers basin and facies analysis. Sandstone facies in the area includes: yellow massive sandstones, reddish-brown pebbly massive sandstones, reddish-brown cross bedded sandstones and yellow cross bedded sandstones. Claystone facies includes: grey massive claystones, and grey blocky laminated claystones. Basin analysis describes the energy resource potential of the Semliki basin, it has petroleum and geothermal potential. Semliki basin comprises of 7 formations. It also has 4 major faults, Makondo fault being the most eye-catching as its Hanging wall is folded as revealed by Seismic data.