Species selection and management under farmer-managed natural regeneration in Rukiga District, Kashambya Sub County
Farmer-managed natural regeneration promotes the regeneration of lands that have been cleared for farming. This is done primarily through the management of the tree stumps of indigenous trees to facilitate regeneration. However limited information is available on species selection and management under farmer-managed natural regeneration and there is more in-depth knowledge in understanding of what species farmers promote and manage and for what reasons in Rukiga District Therefore, this study is intended to offer solutions on challenges they face, strategies for development of projects so that more trees species can be managed and improves the knowledge and understanding the importance of species selection and management under farmer-managed natural regeneration for sustainable land use options in Kashambya Sub-county with a view of increasing production on farms. The objectives of the study were to examine the different species farmers select under farmer-managed natural regeneration, to assess management practices carried out in farmer-managed natural regeneration, to assess the challenges farmers experience in FMNR in Rukiga District. Farmers that involved in the study and the target population are farmers in Kashambya sub-county. In view of the need to save time and related resources on data collection, random sampling was done. Three parishes i.e. Kitanga, Kitunga, and Nyakashebeya in Kashambya sub-county were randomly selected. From each parish, 20 farmers were selected to participate in the study. Farmers from each village were randomly to give the farmers an almost equal chance of being involved in the study. Questionnaires and observation checklists were used in the study. Based on the findings, the tree species which, were on peoples’ farms in Kashambya Sub county included Eucalyptus grandis, Persea Americana, Psidium guajava, Markhamia lutea, Mangifera indica, Erythrina abyssinica, Prunus Africana, Vernonia amygdalina, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Ficus natalensis, Carica papaya, Grevillea Robusta, and Euphorbia Triculli are used for different purposes. The management practices which, are employed in Kashambya Sub-County include pollarding, disease control, reduced burning, pruning, thinning, weeding and slashing. The tree species in Kashambya Sub County are used for fodder, charcoal burning, firewood for cooking and brick burning, stakes for climbing beans, soil fertility improvement, supporting of passion fruits, and fencing, provision of fruits, timber and medicine. The challenges faced by households in Kashambya Sub County include limited capital, limited skills, pests and diseases, unfavorable climate, limited land and poor varieties.