Prevalence of crop pesticides used in tick control from selected farms in Rweikiniro sub-county, Ntungamo district
Increasing emergence of acaricide resistant ticks and tick-borne diseases have exposed farmers to use other chemicals to control these parasites. The main objective of the study was to find out the prevalence of crop pesticide use and drivers for crop pesticide use in tick control of cattle from selected farms in Rweikiniro sub-county of Ntungamo district. This was a cross-sectional study, where face to face interviews using semi-structured questionnaires were used. A simple random sampling was used to get 267 respondents which included 218 cattle farmers, 27 herdsmen and 22 managers. The filled questionnaires were double checked for accuracy and analyzed using Microsoft excel and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Chi-square(x2) test was used as statistical test to get p-values. Out of 267 respondents, 184 respondents (68.9%) admitted to be using crop pesticides in tick control. One hundred sixty-nine, 169(91.8%) used these crop pesticides on weekly basis and fifteen, 15(8.2%) used them monthly. Dudu-acelamectin was the most used (60.9%) followed by lava (22.3%) and then lastly ocelamectin (3.2%). Additionally, seven, 7(3.8%) used both ocelamectin and Dudu. Eighteen, 18(9.8%) used both lava and Dudu. Univariate analysis of factors influencing the use of crop pesticides for tick control revealed statistical significance for education level (p<0.001) and occupation of the respondent (p<0.001). one hundred nine, 109(59.2%) of the 184 respondents gave tick resistance as a major reason for the use of these crop pesticides in tick control. Thirsty seven, 37(20.1) mentioned both tick resistance and cheap price of crop pesticides, sixteen, 16(8.7%) mentioned tick resistance and easy accessibility of these crop pesticides and twenty-two, 22(12.0%) mentioned tick resistance, cheap price and easy accessibility of these crop pesticides as major reasons for their use. Most farmers in Rweikiniro Sub County of Ntungamo district indeed admitted that they use crop pesticides (Dudu, lava and ocelamectin) in tick control. Most farmers used these chemicals on weekly basis to spray their animals in order to fight ticks. Tick resistance is the major drive that forces these farmers to use these crop pesticides. However, some farmers also use these chemicals due to easily accessibility and cheap price of these chemicals. There should be routine training in form of seminars and other training forms to farmers to sensitize them and create awareness about adverse effects of these crop pesticides to animals and people at large. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) together with district veterinary doctors and other leaders should set strict laws against use of crop pesticides in tick control and any person found guilty of the act be delt or punished accordingly. Sensitizing of farmers on proper use of available acaricides to avoid resistance of ticks to these drugs and encouraging zoning to reduce tick resistance.