Bach’s chorales as a model for composers of Catholic Church music in Kampala Archdiocese
Composers of liturgical music in Kampala Archdiocese have often been limited in number to the effect that some possible contributors to the art are often left out. The four-part chorales of Johann Sebastian may offer valuable insight on how the art of composition can be accessible to 3 the majority of possible composers without requiring undertaking long years of musical training hence tapping on the creative potential of the aspiring liturgical composers. Moreover, in the spirit of ecumenism, the otherwise Lutheran compositions of Bach avail an opportunity for better understanding of the musical tradition of the Lutheran fraternity something that has not been of particular interest as the ecumenical spirit seems to be a mainly intellectual discourse. This study will seek to investigate how extant composers have tapped on the great wealth of Bach’s four-part compositions whilst exploring ways that this gem can be further exploited to the benefit of aspiring composers to bring about quality compositions