Examining the sanitation practices among the youth of Bwaise slum area in Kawempe division, Kampala city
The study aimed at critically assessing sanitation and health. The objectives were to assess the current sanitation practices among the youth in Bwaise Slum Area, to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the youth regarding sanitation practices among the youth in Bwaise Slum Area. to identify the socio-economic factors influencing sanitation practices among the youth in Bwaise Slum Area. The exploratory research design was employed using both quantitative and qualitative research techniques taking Bwaise Slum Area as a case study. The study was carried out mainly using quantitative approach of research. This approach was set to establish a clear and objective orientation a vigorous, disciplined and systematic procedure, and a reality bound methodology, which allows arriving at a theory that should be distinguished from a social philosophy, abstract speculation and everyday assumptions (Betrabd W 1993), (Shiff C 1991). This helped the researcher to identify the diseases, infections which come as a result of poor sanitation in details concerning the phenomenon under the study. Target population is defined as a compute set of individuals, cases/objects with some common observable characteristics of a particular nature distinct from other population. According to Ngechu (2004), a population is a well-defined or set of people, services, elements and events, group of things or households that are being investigated. The primary population of the study was the youth and these provided primary information about the ongoing situation under investigation. The key informants were Division official, garbage collecting companies such as KCCA, NGOs, CBOs, FBOs staff, the elderly who included the local council members from the same site were used. The result show that majority of the respondents 50 (100) strongly agreed the construction of more pit — latrine, regular cleaning of toilets can be enhanced because every homestead will be having a pit — latrine of its own. And also, the few private toilet facilities will be maintained clean. The study recommends the district, community, water and sanitation agencies and NGOs should all help the communities to build toilet facilities and institute better mechanisms of rubbish disposal systems through subsidies