Factors that influence the immunization of children specifically in urban areas
Urban areas have been found to have greater accessibility to immunization services however, with urbanization comes increased density of slums. This in turn yields increased difficulty in delivery and administration of vaccination services. To this day, vaccine preventable diseases like measles have been present to unwanted degree in areas like Wakiso. The objective of this study therefore was to identify the factors that affect immunization in Wakiso district and to assess whether factors like maternal education, age and religious affiliation still affect full immunization of children. According to literature, some of the reasons for these low rates of immunization are maternal education level, exposure to media, distance to health facilities, with maternal education level taking the lead in impact. It affects decision making, control over resources, control over fertility behavior and many others. This study answered questions like,” what are the factors affecting immunization coverage greatly in urban/peri-urban areas, today?”, “does the education level, maternal age or even religion of the mother still greatly affect immunization coverage?” amongst others. A correlational quantitative method was applied using a questionnaire that was distributed throughout Kyebando parish. The results of this study can be used to advise the Ministry of health on better ways to encourage the society of Wakiso to prioritize immunization of children as well as raise greater public awareness in other communities in Uganda to ensure higher immunization rates and achievement of national goals.