Assessment of factors that influence drug abuse among students; Makerere University: a case study of School of Statistics and Planning, Makerere University
The study aimed to analyze the factors influencing drug abuse among students in Makerere University, A case study of School of statistics and planning (SSP). This study used primary data that was collected from students at SSP. The data was collected by using questionnaire tools. This questionnaire contained both close-ended and open-ended questions. Data from this study was analyzed using STATA at three levels; univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. At the Univariate level of analysis, Descriptive statistics were used to present the demographic characteristics of respondents. Frequencies and pie-charts were used to present categorical variables and summary statistics (mean and standard deviation) used to present results for numeric variables. At the bivariate level of analysis, cross-tabulations were established to find out the association between the selected variables. The relationship between each explanatory and dependent variable was established at a bivariate level and the association tested using the chi-square test, with critical value set at p<0.05. At the multivariate level of analysis, logistic regression was used to test for the relationship between variables. The study revealed that more students (50.9%) used at least one kind of drugs, whereas 49.1% had never used any drugs. Alcohol was the commonly abused drug (77.59%), with spirits and beer as the mostly consumed alcohol beverages. others abused drugs includes Marijuana, Cigarettes, weed, cocaine. The study also at Univariate level of analysis revealed that there were more males (58.18%) than females (41.82%) in the study, and majority of the students interviewed were private students Results from a logistic regression showed that age (odds ratio = 2.446627, p = 0.021) and Gender influence (Odds ratio = 2.32436, p = 0.066) were significant factors responsible for drug abuse among the students because their P-Values were less than 0.05. In conclusion, the study revealed that the major factors that influence drug abuse among the student were year of study, the age of the students and Gender of students. The abuse was prevalent in the second year of study and above. It was found that there are relatively more university Residence students who abused drugs than Non University Residence. The study recommended that the university should strengthen the implementation of rules that regulate the use of drugs. The university police should strengthen patrols within the campus and take action against those found guilty of drug abuse. Offering cancelling and guidance service and sensations of students on dangers of drug abuse.