Multi-cultural reflection: locally inspired applied textile design around Kampala.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the available culturally inspired applied textile designs, of the different cultures in Kampala, how they have been able to get inspirations of their culture to applied textile design. Plus also discovering the relationships in culturally inspired textile designs, of the different cultures of the different cultures in Kampala ,assessing the design impact in cultural preservation as a way of encouraging textile designers to always borrow inspirations from different cultures as a way of promoting cultures with a significance of creating a relationship between different cultures that participate in textile designing unity and come up with different measures of collaborating together, getting awareness to the importance of cultural inspired textile design and also motivating textile designers to produce more cultural inspired textiles for either fashion or exbitions. In a way that textile designers cherish their cultures and improve them by boring inspiration from them.
The textile industry is growing at a very fast rate. This means there is a need and room for sharper people who may want to blossom. There are many opportunities for the young in the textile industry but it requires dedication, extreme hard work and self-sacrifice to shape a career in one of the most competitive industries in the world. It is best to build on well learned basic skills as a foundation to career in textile on. One thing that is so important is to respect other people's intellectual property and not copy