The choice of maize seed variety by farmers in central Uganda
The study evaluated factors influencing choice of maize seed variety. The purpose was to look at social economic characteristics of maize farmers, different maize seed variety adopted by farmers, desirable perceived factors of improved variety and how this factors influence the choice of maize variety. A cross sectional design and descriptive method were applied as research design. Purposive sampling was used to select the district since the district is known for high maize production and random sampling method was used to select the villages and farmers. A sample of 60 farmers were selected. Descriptive statistics was used to study social economic characteristics of farmers and the desirable perceived factors of improved seed maize variety. Binary logistic model was used to determine factors influencing choice of maize variety. It was found out that’ out of the 70 households that were interviewed, 30 were female farmers and 40 were males, the mean age of the household heads was 51.8 years. The results also showed that the mean number of years spent in school by farmers were 8 years The average land devoted to maize production by smallholder farmers in masaka was 5.5 acres. The average level of experience of maize producers in the study area was 5 years of experience in maize production. However, farmers who adopted improved maize variety revealed the perceived desirable attributes of improved maize variety and why they adopted to improved maize variety, the reasons were outlined by the maize farmers they mentioned drought tolerant, short maturity, bigger grain size, more nutritious diseases resistant. Sex of the maize farmers, age and loan access had a negative influence on the probability of adopting improved maize variety. The study also revealed that household size and income of the farmer had a positive influence on the probability of adopting improved farming. The study recommended for soft loans and subsidizing of improved seeds maize variety to lower the prices. The study also recommended for more extension services in the farmer groups.