Analysis of quality of service in the controller management of Software Defined Networks (SDN)
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a transformative technology with the potential to
revolutionize network management by providing fine-grained control over QoS for network
traffic. This project aims to analyze the QoS in controller management of software-defined
networks using the OpenDaylight (ODL) controller, Mininet, and Wireshark.
The project involved the creation of a simulated SDN network using Mininet and the management
of the network using the ODL controller. Network traffic was captured and analyzed using
Wireshark. The main objective was to assess the effectiveness of the ODL controller in managing
QoS in the SDN network.
The results obtained demonstrated that the ODL controller effectively managed QoS in the
simulated SDN network. Different types of traffic were prioritized appropriately, resulting in
varying levels of QoS. Furthermore, the performance of the ODL controller remained unaffected
even with an increased number of flows in the network.
Based on these findings, the ODL controller exhibits promising capabilities for QoS management
in SDN networks. However, additional research is required to evaluate its performance in real-
world SDN environments.