Distribution of aquaculture facilities in Kyenjojo District
The aquaculture sector plays a vital role in meeting the growing demand for fish products and contributing to the socio-economic development of communities. This research aimed at exploring the spatial distribution of aquaculture facilities in Kyenjojo District and to identify the socio-economic factors influencing fish farming in the area. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Geographic information system (GIS) techniques were utilized to map the spatial distribution of aquaculture facilities in the district. The findings reveal that the majority of fish farmers in Kyenjojo District own small-scale operations, with a significant proportion engaging in fish farming for one to three years. The research identified several socio-economic factors influencing aquaculture in the district, including the lack of financial capital, poor quality feeds, inadequate fish seed, unfavourable environmental regulations, predation, lack of a local market for fish, and limited access to extension services. These findings provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by fish farmers in Kyenjojo District and highlight the areas that require targeted interventions and support. Policymakers and stakeholders can utilize these findings to develop strategies that address the identified socio-economic factors and promote the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in the district. Overall, this research contributes to the existing knowledge on aquaculture distribution and socio-economic dynamics in Kyenjojo District. It serves as a foundation for further studies and can inform policy decisions aimed at fostering the development of the aquaculture industry in the region, improving livelihoods, and ensuring food security.