A library Management System for Makerere Day and Evening School for Adults
A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. Thus, the process of handling a library manually is very troublesome and clumsy. As regards to this point of view, an automated system for handling the activities of library management provides a comprehensive way to lessen physical labour, to reduce complexity of the manual system and soon. Makerere Day and Evening School for Adults (MAECA) is a registered school with the Ministry of Education. It caters for those who never completed schooling at any level up to A ‘level. This is the first school of its kind in the country. It has a growing library which operates on a manual system of pen and paper and a traditional filing system of file covers stacked on top of each other. A research project has been carried out to computerize the library by implementing a computerized library stock management system. The computerized records system will be able to retrieve information, save, print and only to authorized users. The use of passwords will enable one to access the database. A quantitative research methodology was used, involving interviews with librarians and library users. The interviews revealed that the school's existing library stock management practices were manual and inefficient. There was no central database of library materials, and the tracking of loans, returns, and fines was not systematic. Based on the findings of the interviews, a set of requirements for the new library stock management system was developed. The system was designed to be web-based and to automate the tasks of adding, updating, and deleting library materials, tracking loans, returns, and fines, and generating reports. The system was implemented using the PHP programming language and the MySQL database. It was tested and validated by librarians and library users, who found it to be easy to use and efficient. The study concluded that the development of the library stock anagement system has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of library operations at Makerere Day and Evening School for Adults. The system has also helped to improve the accuracy of library records and to prevent lost or damaged materials.