Factors associated with latrine use among household in Uganda
Dirty shared toilets are a health risk to users. Research show that 280000 people died from diarrhea as a result of inadequate sanitation facilities. According to UNHP census indicated that about 8% of Uganda households have no toilets and poor sanitation only exacerbates public health emergencies. Users of shared toilets are poor, less educated and their mostly located in slums and more users of shared toilets practice open defecation because shared toilets are filthy to use. Therefore, this studies aim was to assess the factors associated with latrine use and in this case the study focusing on sharing of toilets has the way household use latrines in Uganda. The study used secondary data from 2016 Uganda demographic and health survey (UNHS) dataset. Data was analyzed at univaraite , bivariate and multivariate level using STATA version 15.0 and presented in the tables. The study found out that location of toilet facility was associated with sharing toilets among household in Uganda. Household with their toilet facilities located elsewhere share toilets with other household compared to their counter parts who have their toilets in their dwellings and in their plots. Household with their water supply located elsewhere share toilets with other household compared to those whose water supply is located in the survey also revealed that wealth status had a significant relationship were the poorest shared toilets more than their counter parts. Therefore, based on the study findings, the study recommended that there is need for provision of toilets to each and every household because most of the household that share toilets don’t have. The provision of water supply to household through extending wells, piped water, boreholes, this would reduce the way household share the toilets. Continuous sensitization about the dangers of sharing toilets like helminthes infection, diarrhea, fecal oral diseases, this will increase awareness and reduce n sharing of toilets.