Analysis of records storage and retrieval at youth alive Uganda
The study "Analyzing management of records storage and retrieval at Youth Alive Uganda", was guided by the following objectivcs;To find out diffe rent types of reco rds kept at Youth Alive Uganda, to find out the current practices of records storage and retrieval at Youth Alive Uganda is managed, to identify challenges faced of storag e and retrieva l of record s at Y out h Alive Uga nda and to make sugges tions for the best practices in s torage and retrieval of record s at Youth Alive Uganda.
The research methodology invo lved the adopt io n of a qualitative research design with a case study
approach. Interv ie w and observation guides were the key data collec tion i ns truments . The researc her use d a sa mp le s ize of 4 res po nde nts who co mpr ise d of; Assis ta nt Managing Directo r, Finance Manage r, Pro cu rement manage r and proje c t manage r. The study problem under investigation was why Records such as adminis trative records and others get lost, deteriorate eas ily a nd longtime take n in retriev ing of lhcse rec ords. The s tud y hoped to benefit researc her for the aw ard of the B achelor's Degree of Records and Archives Management of Ma kere re Univer sity.
The study findings revealed that management of records storage and retrie val in YAU was not fully effective in that it the orga nisati o n had no qua lified reco rds pe rso nnel, no proper reco rds storage and retrieval manage me nt policy, poor storage tech niquesand o thers. Wh ich made reco rds to detoriate easily and delays in retrieva l.
For an improved level of Records storage and retriev al management, the study therefore recommend s training for the records management sand recruiting more qualified staff, develo p ment of polic ies and guidel ines of reco rds storage and retrieval manage ment, purchase of more modern stor age equ ip ments by i nc reas i ng fund i ng a mo ng other s.