Facilitators and barriers for late reporting for first obstetric ultrasonography among pregnant women at Kiryandongo Hospital, Kiryandongo District, Uganda.
It has been established that timely and appropriate evidence-based practices, antenatal care services that includes obstetric ultrasonography as recommended by WHO can save lives of mothers despite high maternal mortality rates in Uganda.
However, in Kiryandongo Hospital, Kiryandongo district, according to JULY-SEPT FY 2021/2022, only 11% of the pregnant women attended antenatal care services in the first trimester and got the first obstetric ultrasound scan in time. The purpose of this study was to identify facilitators and barriers for late reporting for first obstetric ultrasound scan and possible solutions for late reporting for first obstetric ultrasound scan among pregnant mothers in Kiryandongo hospital, Kiryandongo district. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study involving a quantitative method where questionnaires were administered by the researcher to pregnant women who attended antenatal care services at Kiryandongo Hospital, Kiryandongo district who were chosen by simple random sampling. Of the 40 participants in this study, 85% were above 18 years and all were educated with 52.5% up to primary school, 42.5% up to secondary school and 5% up tertiary institutions. Only 10% of them were employed and only 5% earned more than 100,000 Uganda shillings. Majority at 82.5% did not know when the first obstetric ultrasound should be done while 17.5% said at any weeks of pregnancy. Also 45% of them thought that a first obstetric ultrasound scan was important and 55% were not sure. Only 20% of the women stayed at 5 kilometers or less from the hospital and did not complain of any distance problems to the hospital. Furthermore, up to 90% said lack of money was one of the reasons that delayed their first obstetric ultrasound scan. Violence from spouses or any cultural beliefs and community practices delaying their coming to the hospital for the first antenatal care visit and obstetric ultrasonography was not reported. Most of the women, up to 65% did not get support from their husbands for a timely first antenatal care visit and obstetric ultrasound scan while 15% got the support sometimes. Knowledge on the correct timing of the first obstetric ultrasound scan, a long distance from the hospital and lack of money contribute the top facilitators and barriers. Others contributing to a smaller extent include lack of partner support and lack of knowledge on the importance of the first obstetric ultrasound scan.