Self-esteem, Depression and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Wakiso district Katabi Town Council
This report presents a full account of the study carried out on self -esteem , depression and coping strategies among adolescents in Wakiso district Katabi Town Council , Nkumba parish new dawn Africa foundation and Food step Uganda. This report comprises of five chapters , namely introduction, literature review, methodology, results and finally discussion , conclusion and recommendations.
The Main objectives of this study
To examine the relationship between self-esteem and coping strategies among the adolescents in Wakiso district, Katabi Town Council at Food Step Uganda and New Dawn Africa foundation. To examine the relationship between self-esteem and depression among adolescents. To examine the relationship between depression and coping among adolescents in Wakiso district Katabi Town Council, Nkumba parish.
In order to achieve the above objectives a well-structured questionnaire was administered to the population of interest and data obtained was analyzed using SPSS using univariate and bivariate data analysis tools of frequency tables and Pearson correlation.
The result revealed that self -esteem and coping are not significantly related .Furthermore , the results revealed that self -esteem and depression are not significantly related Also, depression and coping strategies are not significantly related.
This study finding revealed that while adolescents have depressive symptoms their coping abilities were not adequate. Therefore this study recommends that schools and other institutions dealing directly with adolescents should organize counseling sessions and other psychosocial programs to empower adolescents with adaptive, health coping strategies.