Challenges faced by women in accessing antenatal care services in Kalungu district, Lwabenge subcounty
The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges faced by women of reproductive age (WRA) 18-49 in accessing antenatal care services (ANC) in Lwabenge Sub –County, Kalungu District. The study specifically aimed to find out: awareness of ANC services among Women of Reproductive Age (WRA), level of access and utilization of ANC services among WRA, demand-related factors that hinder women from accessing ANC services and to identify supply-related or health facility factors that constrain women from accessing and utilizing ANC services in Lwabenge Sub- County. The study used a cross-sectional research design employing both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study covered a sample of 60 respondents who were all WRA group (18-49). Quantitative data were collected using a structured questionnaire, while interview guides were used to collect qualitative data. From the study findings, all the study participants (100%, n=60) were aware of ANC services. The highest percentage (23%) of the study participants acquired ANC knowledge and awareness from the health workers, a moderate portion (22%) mentioned other information sources like parents, village health teams (VHTs), church leaders and peer leaders. Almost all the study participants (96.7 %,) revealed that they had ever visited a health centre for ANC services. A few mothers (3.3%) revealed that they never visited the health centres for ANC services due to less adverse effects faced while pregnant easily contained from their homes. The study revealed numerous challenges faced by women in accessing antenatal care services; long distance to the health centre (26.1%), high cost of accessing antenatal care services (29%), long waiting hours (54%), unsupportive male partners (58%), heavy domestic chores (16.8%), transportation issues (23%) and poor attitudes of health workers (58%). The study recommends employing and training of more health personnel to address the problem of long waiting hours at the health centres as many women are always not attended to due to low staffs in health centers. Furthermore, there is need to create awareness on the existing ANC services available at health centres so as to improve utilization of these services.