Child Abuse and Neglect in Bugembe Town Council Jinja District
This study employed a qualitative research design. Qualitative data collection methods, namely in-depth interviews and key informant interviews were conducted. In total, 14 in-depth interviews with children, parents of the victims and local leaders were conducted. These participants were purposively selected. Respondents that had relevant information and knowledge about child abuse and neglect were selected. Data collected was analyzed through thematic data analysis. The study results show that the participants understood child abuse and neglect differently. Some as a result of Covid 19 pandemic, call it child abuse when the perpetrators are punished well as others a weakness of stakeholders. The risk factors for abuse identified included domestic violence, drug abuse, misconceptions about the rights and limited sex education. Children that are abused experience emotional difficulties and tend to drop out of school because of depression. Lessons from the field, there is need for strong community wide campaigns aimed at addressing various local meanings on child abuse and neglect hence reconciling these meanings with global definitions. The campaigns should be intentional at explaining the various risk factors for abuse and neglect so as parent and other community stakeholders pay attention to them.