Development of a biosensor system that tests For the levels of aflatoxin in groundnuts.
With the discovery of aflatoxins, a lot of study has been done with the goal of identifying these
toxins in contaminated food and feed because of their carcinogenic effect. The majority of
traditional detection approaches are time-consuming, with complex separation processes,
including complicated multi-step procedures that necessitate sample destruction for precise toxin
determination. With more regulations for acceptable levels of aflatoxins in place, modern
techniques can now produce results with extremely high precision and accuracy, making them
suitable for regulatory laboratories and post-harvest sample testing in developed nations.
Unfortunately, a great deal of the world's affected nations lacks ready access to high performance
liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry equipment. This necessitating the development of
alternative, easily accessible, and straightforward detection techniques that can be used by agrodealers and small-scale farmers in developing nations.
This proposal report presents an overview of the existing detection and quantification methods
for aflatoxins. It also covers the traditional, quantitative, chemically-based analytical strategies
for detecting aflatoxins in groundnuts and their evolution to the modern instrumentation
routinely used in developed countries.