dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study was to establish the socio-economic factors limiting the use of banks and other financial intermediaries in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objective: To the determine whether the level of education attained by an individual has an impact on his/her use of banks and financial intermediaries, to find out whether owning a mobile phone and using registered mobile money accounts has an impact on the use of banks and other financial intermediaries and to determine whether knowledge about cybercrime has an impact on use of banks and other financial intermediaries. Stability of household income and bank use, there is a significance between use of banks and other financial intermediaries and the stability of household income since it’s because the pvalue is below 0.05(0.000). this therefore implies that stability of the household has a great impact on the use of banks and other financial intermediaries, knowledge about cyber-crime and bank use, there is a significance between use of banks and other financial intermediaries and awareness of cyber security (0.000), this implies that the more people know about cyber security the less the use banks and other financial intermediaries. Owning a phone and bank use. There is a clear significance between the use of banks and owning a personal phone (0.000) there is an impact a used by the own ship of a personal phone and the use of a banks, and ever used their registered mobile money account and bank use. There is a definite significance between use of registered mobile money accounts and use of banks and other financial intermediaries with a p-value that is below5% (0.000), This implies that the use of mobile money accounts has a great impact on the use of banks and other financial intermediaries(Brown et al.2003) The study findings conclude that most of the factors that limit the use of banks have a great impact on the fluency at which people in Uganda use banks or any other financial intermediaries.(Koenig-Lewis et al. 2010)The study also recommends the bank to put up more branches more so in the rural areas so as to encourage people to use its facilities, promoting digital financial services, such as mobile money, online banking and ewallets, that can reduce costs, increase convenience and reach remote areas. Supporting financial literacy and education programs that can help people understand the benefits and risks of using financial services, as well as encouraging innovation and competition in the financial sector, that can foster the development of new products and services that meet the needs and preferences of different segments of the population. (schwarzetal, 2017) | en_US |