A report on a Geological Mapping Project of field Area-G, Igayaza- Isingiro District, Western Uganda.
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The Geological mapping exercise was carried out in Igayaza, Isingiro district, Western Uganda,
with the aim of obtaining a hands-on experience in field geological mapping project execution,
from field preparation to geological reporting. The mapping exercise started on 29th January,
2022 and ended on 7th February, 2022.
The mapping exercise involved mapping, reading and identifying items on map, using different
geological instruments and materials to collect geological data, constructing a field geological
map, picking representative samples for further analysis and describing depositional
environments and sequences based on field observations and data interpretation. Collected
samples were analysed in the laboratory, structures interpreted and conclusions drawn based
on the field observations and laboratory data analysis.
This report is a detailed finding on geological study area G Igayaza, Isingiro District. The
mapped area G was situated on the Gayaza Synclinorium characterised by numerous quartzite
horizons a characteristic of the Karagwe-Ankolean System which belongs to the meso-neo
Proterozoic cover formations.
The information about the mapping exercise is discussed in six main chapters which are;
introduction, stratigraphy, structures, petrography and metamorphism, regional synthesis, and
recommendations & conclusion. The introduction defines the objectives of the field trip,
location of mapped area, methods and materials used. Stratigraphically, rocks were deposited
in the order of shales, sandstones that later metamorphosed to quartzites that occupy the top of
ridges which were later intruded by granites. Quartzites overlie shales which overlie slates.
Slates are underlined by phyllites and finally granites at the base. The major structures in the
area were: beddings, faults, folds and joints all exhibiting two major trends; NW-SE trend
which is similar to that of the regional folds and NE-SW direction similar to that of the cross
folds whereas the minor ones include: micro-folds, micro-faults, quartz veins, foliation,
laminations and mud cracks.
Metamorphism of these rocks was low grade regional metamorphism evidenced by foliation
and some index minerals such as chlorite.
Therefore, the mapped area G is located in the lower Karagwe-Ankolean and it has generally
a hilly topography with intervening lowlands (arenas).