Design and fabrication of a device that indicates gas levels in an LPG gas cylinder.
In Uganda, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is commonly used as a cooking fuel and according to data collected from Ministry of Energy in June 2022, at least 1% of Ugandans cook using LPG and the percentage is expected to increase since the government is encouraging the use of LPG compared to other types of fuel.
However, LPG users face problems with detecting the level of gas in the cylinders as they use them, therefore, they don’t have the knowledge about issues like when to refill, how long the gas will last among others. This is because the gas cylinders are opaque and hence the user cannot reliably and accurately tell the levels of gas.
The existing means of measuring/telling the levels of gas left in the gas cylinders are unreliable and inaccurate, and initiatives by private companies to aid users in telling the amount of gas in the cannisters are expensive and not readily available on the market. This therefore, hinders some potential users from adopting LPG as a cooking fuel.
To solve the above problem, the author proposed the design of a cost-efficient gas level indicator that employs the use of an ultrasonic sensor which measures the level of the liquid gas in the cannisters using ultrasonic waves. Several design procedures to attain this efficient system were followed as clearly articulated in the subsequent of this document.
Upon completion of the construction process of the gas level indicator system, the author conducted a series of rigorous tests, these tests yielded the following results; the device was found to have an average efficiency of about 70%, though it needs a few improvements for it to be fully effective. The system prototype, was slightly expensive in regards to a middle income earner in Uganda. However, the author believes that cost shall exponentially decay in mass production, as the economies of scale go a long way to reduce the cost of production.