Geological Mapping and field Data collection report of Gayaza, Isingiro District.
This report documents the aims, methods and results of the geological mapping excursion carried out in Gayza area, Isingiro district in South Western Uganda, from the 1st of February to the 7th February 2023 to obtain hands on experience in field preparation, data collection and geological reporting. The geological mapping exercise began with a briefing of the general geology and structures of the area (which included mainly: joints, beds, faults and folds), what techniques and procedures to use and how to apply them in the field, how to orient maps and locate places as well as expectations regarding how the group would organise themselves while in the camp. Members were then divided into groups of 9 and/or 8 that would each map 4 square kilometres of specific regions L, H, A, I, A, and E shown in Figure 5.1 in chapter 5 of this report. The exercise then began with the determination of the boundaries of the allocated regions as well as becoming familiar with the topography and important centres in order to efficiently come up with a detailed plan on how to go about the mapping exercise. The materials used frequently during the exercise included a: GPS, geologic hammer, compass and binoculars to aid measurement of strikes, dips and thicknesses as well as the extrapolation of rock units across several kilometres. Stations were established and geological information at these locations recorded in note books. In addition to this, representative samples were collected and later and analysed in the laboratory in order to confirm the types of rocks and minerals present which is crucial in understanding the economic geology of the area. During the mapping exercise, rock units not less than 10 metres thick were mapped onto a base map which was later digitized to produce a geological map showing the lithology in the area as well as construct a cross section cutting through the area in order to highlight the stratigraphy and succession of rock units in the area. Overall, the area was covered extensively by shales including area L, which our group mapped and comprised of predominantly ferruginous shales to the north, grey shales to the South and inter-beds of grey and ferruginous shales to the West and East of area L. Quartzite horizons were mainly confined to the ridge summits and the whole region was found to be dominated by low grade metamorphism which increased with proximity to the arena granites as well as upslope in many of the areas mostly due to the inverted topography of the region resulting from the intrusion of granites that domed the region. Supporting this finding is the presence of relict bedding, index minerals such as chlorite and muscovite that mostly filled the joints of outcrops and the presence of phyllites, slates and phyletic shales in areas such as I, A, and B that are closest to the arena granites in the North and North West. The economic potential of the area is low since no major economic minerals were discovered but it’s worth noting that other economic activities such as trade, farming and quarrying are quite common.