Importance of using symbolism as a means of communication in Sabiny folktales.
This study is based on analysing the use of symbolism as a tool for communication in Sabiny folktales. It is self-evident that folktales are integral to the cultural heritage of any people, and the Sabiny of Uganda are no exception. Folktales pass on their knowledge and general cultural heritage to new generation. However, information in folktales is not presented plainly just as
one would get the actual meaning of something or take it as it is. Various techniques are employed to make the folktales more effective in bringing out the intended message. Techniques like irony, symbolism, flash back and many others are used.
Primary and Secondary sources of data were consulted. Collection of primary data involved carrying out both participant and non-participant observation in Kween district. Interviews were also used in primary sources. Secondary sources included information from written materials like books, journals, reports, articles and periodicals. Findings of this research are a record of Sabiny folktales, which show the importance of symbolism as used in Sabiny folktales. The findings are a repository for reference by future generations in scholarship and research about folktales.