Fashion design student's performance at Margeret Trowel School of Industrial Fine Arts.
The research topic is Fashion design student's performance at Margret Trowel School of industrial Fine Art 2020 - 2022.
The purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing students’ performance in fashion designing at MTSIFA in order to improve the performance of students specializing in fashion design.
The method of data collection used was mainly the Questionnaire method however some interviewing was also involved..
The samples used were the Fashion design student's of Second year and Third year also the fishion design lecturers were are among the samples.
The instruments used were the paper printed questionnaires , pens, phone recordings wen interviewing fashion design lecturers and also pencils.
The findings and major conclusions included the following;
Findings were;
Most students do not have access to the different materials and equipments necessary for effective learning at all. Most of these students were saying that in most cases they improvise by looking for the equipment on which to do their assignments in town.
All fashion designing students hope that if more materials and equipments are provided to students it can change their general performance. This is because it would ease their designing processes, help them produce quality work and also increase their designing skills.
The biggest number of students agreed that learning a lot of theory wasn’t good for their course because at the end if it more practical skills about fashion designing are required in the field and less theory required.
Lecturers think that their students have not reached the required standard in as far as materials and equipment utility and application is concerned.
The lecturers were not really sure whether in case of any need for supplementing the available materials and equipment, the administration would be able to do so. Their suggestions were that incase its possible it could be better to start with a single machine for each type on the market.