The drivers of non-involvement in sports at Makerere university barriers and challenges to female students’ participation in sports
The study was conducted on the drivers of non-involvement in sports at Makerere university:
barriers and challenges to female students’ participation in sports. The objectives of the study
were; to assess the factors that hinder female participation in sports; and to examine the
challenges faced by female students who participate in sports and to identify possible measures
of enhancing female participation in sports in Makerere university. The study adopted survey
research design to carry out the data collection and this mostly involved use of questionnaires to
investigate the factors affecting participation of Makerere female students in sports.
Data was collected from a sample of 150 female students randomly selected irrespective of their
year of study by random sampling. Of the participants studied, majority were between the ages
of 19-22 70(46.7%). This result shows that most of the participants studied were above 18 years
and according to Uganda law they are already adults. Majority of the participants were in their
third year of the study 57(37.7%) and 106(70.7%) of the respondents were on private
sponsorship which implied that a few students have financial support from the government.
136(89%) of the respondents hard ever participated in the sports at some point meaning that they
were aware of the factors that hinder female participation in sports as well as challenges they
faced while participating in the sports. Majority of the participants 73(48.7%) participated in the
sports at secondary level of education.
The study revealed that the major factors that impedes female students from taking part in sports
were; limited time for sports, having other things to do in free time, laziness, long distances from
sports facilities, unsafe environment for sports, and lack of family support towards sports, lack of
self-esteem, self-confidence, lack of enough sports teachers especially. female coaches, sexual
harassment by trainers, monthly periods/ menstruation. The finding revealed that that women
sports are underrepresented in the media and media advertises female sport depending on their
appearance or skill. The finding also revealed that women had financial short comings that
hindered their participation in sports. Majority of women never had many financial opportunities
in sport and sports women were not given the same rewards as men when they win a similar
championship. Furthermore, women did not know any female coach available for most of the
sports they would want to participate in. It was also revealed that female athletes do not get the
same recognition as the male athletes at the same level. The study recommend that sports of
women should be viewed as very important and women should be considered as equal to men so
that women sports are promoted, shortage of finance is limited hence discovery great