Evaluation of the potential of partial replacement of wheat by orange fleshed sweet potato puree in making chapattis.
The increasing prices of wheat flour in Uganda have necessitated the need for its
substitution with local alternatives in confectioneries. These local alternatives used
include cassava flour, pumpkin flour among others. This study evaluated the potential
of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) puree as a substitute for wheat in making of
chapattis. The OFSP variety used in the study was of NASPOT 8. The effect of partial
substitution of wheat flour with OFSP puree on sensorial and proximate composition of
the chapatti was investigated. Wheat flour was replaced with different proportions of
OFSP puree (20% – 80%). Chapatti was made from the ingredients (Jiko bakers flour,
salt, onions and baker’s fat) using the straight dough method followed by frying with
cooking oil. Sensory evaluation of chapattis made from formulations was carried out
using a 9-point hedonic scale with a panel of 30 people. This was done to determine the
most acceptable and the most economically feasible mixing ratio of wheat flour to OFSP
puree. This was determined to be the chapatti with 60:40 substitution (OFSP: wheat
flour). Proximate composition analyses were done using standard methods to determine
the composition of the chapatti with 60% substitution. Moisture content, dietary fiber,
carbohydrates, crude protein, ash, beta carotenoids and crude fat were evaluated. The
moisture content , dietary fiber, ash and beta carotenoids increased with the substitution
of wheat with 60% OFSP puree i.e. (from 20.2 to 25.0, 1.7 to 2.1, 1.9 to 3.9, 0.3 to 1.0)
g/100g respectively. This was in comparison to a control chapatti that contained 100%
wheat flour. Carbohydrates and crude proteins decreased with the substitution of wheat
with 60% OFSP puree i.e. (from 76.8 to 63.2, 2.6 to 1.7) g/100g respectively. There was
no change in the concentration of crude fat with the substitution of wheat with 60%
OFSP puree.