Examining the contribution of livestock farming on the welfare of small holder farmers in Mataale sub-county, Kibaale district.
The major purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of livestock farming on the
welfare of small holder farmers in matale sub county kibaale district. the specific objectives
of the study were: to determine the socio economic characteristics of livestock farmers, to
determine the effects of livestock farming on house hold welfare, and to assess the factors
that influence livestock farming in mataale sub county. The data collected from the sampled
livestock farmers was analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages
presented by tables and graphs to answer the objectives of the study. Data was coded for
completeness and processed using a computer software called STATA. This was used to
analyze quantitative data. This was chosen because it is able to compute all the statistical
quantities that are required for the interpretation of the data that was collected from the
sample of 60 livestock small holder farmers. These data was coded and entered into STATA
computer software package for analysis. The results showed that majority of the livestock
farmer respondents (83.3%) were males as compared to their female counterparts. Those who
had attained the primary education level were 36.7%, followed by those who had attained the
secondary education level (33.3%). Those who had completed college and university covered
the remaining percentage equally. Furthermore, it was revealed in the study findings that
nearly half of the respondents were catholic (41.7%), 28.3% were Anglicans, 16.7% were
Muslims, 5% were Orthodox then the remaining percentage was for other religions. number
of livestock animals kept have an effect on the welfare of the farmers in terms of the animals
consumed, the total number of animals kept by the livestock farmers increases by 10 animals
when all other factors are set to zero and farm skills, the number of animals kept increases by
approximately 2 when the size of the family increases by 1 person while holding other factors constant.