Underage drinking, depression and malfunctionality problems among young adults in Namungo Sub County Mityana District
The major purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between underage drinking, depression, and mal-functionality problems among young adults in Namungo Sub county Mityana District. The specific objectives of the study were to examine relationship between underage drinking and depression among young adults, relationship between underage drinking and malfunctionality problems among young adults and relationship between depression and malfunctionality problems among young adults. The study adopted quantitative research design because it is a specific type of non-experimental design used to describe the relationship between or among variables. The correlation research design was used to measure relationship between underage drinking, depression, and mal-functionality problems among young adults. Data was presented into statistical information using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) to establish whether the variables were correlated. The results from the study found that there was a significant positive relationship between underage drinking and depression, a positive relationship between underage drinking and malfunctionality and a positive relationship between depression and malfunctionality problems. From the study, it is recommended that the government should create environments in which the opportunities to drink are fewer and the temptations are weaker. This should be done by making alcohol less available to young people since alcohol is promoted in ways that are most likely to be seen by young people, and the consequences of illegal sales and use should be made clear and compelling. The government should encourage the employment of a mental health professional for example a counselors, therapists, psychologist among others in all primary and secondary schools who can educate adolescents about underage drinking which can lead to depression and availing them with information on how to cope with these situations.