Peer-influence, substance use and risky sexual behaviors among adolescent students in Rubaga Division, Kampala District
This study of Peer-influence, Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Mengo Senior School Rubaga Division, Kampala District with a purpose of examining the relationship between peer influence, substance use and risky sexual behaviors among adolescent students
The study had four specific objectives, namely: 1.To examine the relationship between peer influence and substance use among adolescent students. 2. To examine the relationship between peer influence and risky sexual behaviour among adolescents 3. To examine the relationship between substance use and risky sexual behaviour among adolescents. Based on the themes arising from the study specific objectives review of related literature was done
The study adopted a correlational study design to examine the relationship between peer influence, substance use and risky sexual behaviors among adolescent students in Kampala District. Using Krejecie and Morgan’s (1970) formula that calculates a representative sample, a sample size of 100 respondents was obtained and used in this study. Using a simple random sampling technique, a sample of 25 respondents from each class will be selected.
Data was processed, analyzed and entered into the Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 22 (IBM, 2015). It was further analyzed and summarized into frequencies and percentages to determine the socio-demographic features of the participants.
The study found out that there was no significant relationship between peer influence and substance use, since the p-value is (r =.356), (p = -.101) because the p value is > (greater) than 0.05. The study further revealed that, there is no significant relationship between peer influence and risky sexual behaviors since (r =.017), (p = -.243) because the p value is > (greater) than 0.05. The study further revealed that there is no significant relationship between substance use and risky sexual behaviors since the p-value is (r =.662), (p = -.050) because the p value is > (greater) than 0.05.
The study recommends that since the study concentrated on examining the relationship between of Peer-influence, Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Mengo senior School Rubaga Division, Kampala District other studies can be done to establish the impact and or effects of Peer-influence, Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Mengo senior School Rubaga Division, Kampala District.