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dc.contributor.authorEmuron, Abraham
dc.identifier.citationEmuron, A. (2024). Prevalence and economic loss resulting from condemnation of cattle livers due to liver flukes at Soroti main abattoir (). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA special research project submitted to the College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor Of Veterinary Medicine of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractFascioliasis in slaughtered cattle at Soroti slaughter abattoir presented a significant challenge that could have led to substantial financial loss for both cattle owners and the abattoir itself. In order to mitigate this challenge, it was necessary to conduct an assessment study to investigate the prevalence or extent of liver condemnation due to fascioliasis and its financial loss at the Soroti municipal slaughter abattoir. The cross sectional study was conducted from 25th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024. Each liver was examined macroscopically for bovine fascioliasis by dissecting the liver and checking for liver flukes. Partially Fasciola Infested livers were trimmed and weighed using digital weighing scale while those wholly Fasciola infested were condemned and incinerated. Average weight of a normal livers was obtained by randomly sampling 5 normal livers which was found to be 3.8 kilograms. Data was recorded for the number of animals slaughtered, breed, sex, and body condition score. The raw data was then entered into Microsoft Excel programme, 2015. A total sample size of 207 cattle livers were examined for Fasciola. Overall prevalence was found to be 74.87 % (155/207). According to Sex, prevalence in males was 74.1% and females was 76.8%. According to breeds, Ankole had prevalence of 75.00% and Zebu had 75.6%. According to body condition score, animals of body condition score 2 had prevalence of 98.7 %, animals of body condition score of 3 had prevalence of 62.2% and those of body condition score 4 had prevalence of 0.00%. The direct economic financial loss was calculated to be 310,896 Ugandan shillings within period of study from 25th December 2023 to 3 January 2024. In conclusion, this study reported high prevalence of fascioliasis that led to substantial economic monetary loss at Soroti slaughter abattoir. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the other major causes of liver condemnation in cattle as this can be used as a means to design intervention strategies or control measures at national level to mitigate this loss hence reducing loss of liver due to condemnation which will intern improve household incomes of cattle farmers.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.titlePrevalence and economic loss resulting from condemnation of cattle livers due to liver flukes at Soroti main abattoiren_US

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