Environmental knowledge in Gishu proverbs analysis
This dissertation seeks to examine the ideas on environmental conservation or protection as they emerge from a selection of Gishu proverbs. And to as well analyze the way stylistic innovations employed in the proverbs do generate ideas related to environmental protection. Proverbs are key in providing theoretical and practical understanding of facts and information, about what surrounds man both living and non-living. Through the proverbs, people are able to intellectually and emotionally express themselves, which has a great contribution to the promotion and maintenance of the environment and culture. They help to reinforce morals, impart knowledge, relieve interpersonal tensions and as well give greater potency to what is being said. Oral literature therefore plays a significant role in the environmental and cultural life of the Gishu people. Through oral traditions, they pass down their history, knowledge, values, and entertainment from one generation to another. Oral literature among the Gishus includes various forms such as proverbs, riddles, folktales, legends, and myths. These stories often feature animal characters and teach moral lessons, offer explanations for natural phenomena, and provide entertainment during community gatherings. Gishu folktales and legends are an integral part of their oral literary tradition. Environment refers to the surrounding or conditions in which a person or animals live or operate. Environmental ideas refer to the amount of theoretical and/or practical facts, information or skills concerning both living and non-living things surrounding man and their ability to understand and evaluate its impacts on society.