Factors influencing uptake of pentavalent vaccines among children under 1year in Yumbe District
Immunization: is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases. African countries are still struggling to achieve routine immunization coverage for all recommended EPI vaccines particularly in hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations and the poor progress has led to missed opportunities for children within the country to continue to record marked morbidity and mortality in vaccine preventable diseases. In light of these challenges, this research aimed to delve into the factors influencing the low performance of pentavalent vaccines coverage in Yumbe district. To establish the factors influencing uptake of pentavalent vaccines among children less than 1 year in Yumbe district so as to identify interventions that can be used to improve the immunization coverage in the District. The study employed a cross-sectional study design, utilizing quantitative methods to assess the factors influencing the uptake of pentavalent vaccines among children under 1 year in Yumbe district, Uganda. Semi-structured questionnaires were the primary data collection tool for this study, administered to each of the selected mothers/caretakers in the sampled health facilities. Quantitative data was entered in kobo collect, cleaned and then imported to STATA 13 software for analysis. From the data analyzed, the level of adherence to the vaccination schedule for pentavalent vaccines of was low at 11.8%. Sex of the child, religion of the mother, place of delivery and the child birth order, average monthly income, average time taken to travel to the health facility, Information on the next date of visit and other comments on the child health card were found to be associated with uptake of Pentavalent vaccines. This study revealed that the adherence to the vaccination schedule for the pentavalent vaccines was very low as compared to the National coverage which has been reported to be steadily improving. The study recommends stakeholders to advocate for adequate utilization of ANC services, provision of information to the on the next date of visit, awareness creation, continuous and regular supervisions, monitoring, evaluation and strengthening of staff motivation.