Effectiveness of Chloranthraniliprole against fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) on Maize (Zea mays) in Uganda
Maize production in Uganda is crucial for food security and household income. However, it faces a major challenge of the emergence of Fall armyworm, a South American insect species. The pest has spread rapidly, causing significant yield losses. As an invasive species, fast action is imperative to effectively combat and mitigate the impact of Fall armyworm. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate a novel pesticide Chlorantraniliprole 20% WP, to assess its efficacy against Fall armyworm in Uganda. During the 2023B growing season, three different application rates of Chlorantraniliprole 20% WP were evaluated, alongside a positive chemical check of Profenofos+Cypermethrin and Untreated control which was the negative Chemical check, at MUARIK, using a Randomized Complete Block design with three replications. These chemicals were applied every 10 days, and data on FAW larvae damage on the leaves, number of larvae per plant, plant height, and leaf area were recorded every 10 days. Furthermore, grain yield and biomass were assessed at crop maturity. All the different rates and the positive check performed better than the untreated control in reducing the severity and incidence of Fall Army Worm. Chlorantraniliprole 20% WP at a lower rate showed the best efficacy against FAW damage and larvae infestations, followed by Profenofos + Cypermethrin and Right rate. That said, all the Chemical treatments achieved significantly higher grain yield and Biomass than the control. Using a lower rate achieved the highest maximum leaf area and a higher maximum plant height than the Untreated control. Therefore, the Lower rate of Chlorantraniliprole of 15g/20 litres is recommended.