Analysing the causes of underrepresentation of females doing biology at advanced level: a case study of secondary schools in Hoima City and Masindi Municipality
The research report was entitled analyzing the causes of underrepresentation of females doing biology at advanced level. A case study of secondary schools in Hoima city and Masindi municipality. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of female verses male students towards biology content and biology as a subject, to examine the existence of stereotypes within education system. To examine influence of mentors and role models in motivation of students‟ participation in certain fields especially biology. To explore key factors influencing low female students' enrolment in A' level biology. To explore internal and external educational support strategies to girl child education. To develop recommendations and strategies to address the gender disparity in biology. And the hypotheses; There is a significant relationship between gender and perception of biology as a subject. There is a significant relationship between gender and perception of biology content. The Uganda National Gender Policy (NGP) of 2007 aims at raising the status of women in all spheres of life. For example, to increase female participation in politics, economics, solving social problems, education, and to combat negative social-cultural factors that inhibit their progress. Despite efforts to promote gender equity in education, the participation of young women in biology programs remains disproportionately low. Female entries for biology have remained lower than that of the males, consistent with the fact that overall female entry in science is lower than that of the males. Therefore, calling for the need to carryout analysis of the reasons why, to get a basis of elimination of the disparity. It was found out that perception of biology both as a subject and its content was found to be more positive for boys than the females. There was also found to be a significant relationship between gender of students and perception of biology both as a subject and also its content. Stereotypes in favour of boys than girls were also found out among the school administrators. The key reasons of low enrollment of girls were more from lack of motivation from role models and stereotypes within schools. Special support to girl child education was not significant both from the government and within the schools. Diverse recommendations were suggested including. Scholarships, mentorship programs, career guidance, role models among others.)