Now showing items 300-319 of 642

      Hand hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices among school children in Northern division, Mbale city. [1]
      Hand hygiene practices and compliance among healthcare workers in Maruzi health sub district, Apac district [1]
      Hand washing knowledge attitudes and practices of breastfeeding mothers of Karangura sub county Kabarole district [1]
      Health literacy and self-care behaviors among Chronic kidney disease patients at Kiruddu National Referral Hospital. [2]
      Healthcare waste segregation practices in low level health care facilities and associated factors: A case of Ilemela District Mwanza, Tanzania [1]
      Hepatitis b vaccination status and associated knowledge and attitudes among youths aged 15 -30 years in Wandegeya Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Herbal medicine use during pregnancy: perceptions of pregnant women and associated factors at kawempe national referral hospital [1]
      Hidden stories of caregivers with children living with sickle cell disease in Uganda: experiences, coping strategies and outcomes [1]
      HIV prevalence among blood groups of blood donors in Nakasero Blood Bank, Kampala Uganda [1]
      HIV Risk Perception and Testing Practices Among Students at Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery [1]
      HIV testing practices and associated factors among undergraduate students at Makerere University. [1]
      HIV testing preferences among Makerere university students [1]
      Home injuries, associated factors and health seeking behavior among children in Kitaka zone, Nyendo ward, Masaka Municipality [2]
      Home storage practices and associated factors of orally reconstituted antibiotics in Kawaala, Kampala District, Uganda [1]
      Home-based oral morphine exposure,oral morphine self-medication,and use of other controlled drugs by caregivers of sickle cell paediatric patients and associated factors at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Identifying challenges faced by undergraduate radiography students of Makerere University during their clinical rotations at Mulago National Referral Hospital [1]
      In Vitro antibacterial activity of a combination of Ethanolic extracts of Garcinia Buchananii and Curcuma Longa against Streptococcus Pneumoniae [1]
      In vitro asseement of the anti bacterial activity of ethanolic aeriel part extract of momordica foetida extract on the armpit flora [1]
      In- vitro assessment of the antimicrobial activity of a combination of methanolic extracts of Acacia Nilotica and Ziziphus Mauritiana against streptococcus pneumoniae [1]