Now showing items 466-485 of 642

      A natural approach to circumvent shortages of distilled water in LMICS: a low-cost water purification unit [1]
      Needlestick injuries among clinical students at the College of Health Science, Makerere University. A cross-sectional study. [1]
      Neonatal sepsis and its associated factors at St Mary’s Hospital Lacor [1]
      Non-invasive mobile phone diagnosis of malaria supported by an in vivo technique using aptamers conjugated with acridine orange [1]
      Nurses' lived experiences of caring for Ebola patients at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      Nutritional status among children aged 5-14 years in Rubirizi district: Distribution and associated factors. [1]
      Occupational health and safety and safety among waste scavengers at Kiteezi Landfill, Wakiso District [1]
      Occupational safety knowledge and practices among fisherfolks of Lwampanga Sub County Fish Landing Sites Nakasongola District, Uganda [1]
      Occurrence and factors associated with childhood diarrhea in Namalu sub-county, Nakapiripirit district [1]
      Optimization of recombinant expression of the Mycobacteria tuberculosis rhomboid protease 1 using Escherichia coli overexpression plasmid [1]
      Optimizing medical waste management through design, implementation and assessment of a hand-held sort-it device incorporating magnetic separation technology [1]
      Outcome of Urine cultures at the medical Microbiology laboratory of Makerere University college of Health Sciences [1]
      Parameters for grading the toxic severity of test chemicals : a review article in the advancement of unknown drugs into the clinic [1]
      Parents and caregiver's views on compliance with immunization schedules under 5 years in Pallisa district. [1]
      Parents experiences of caring for a preterm infant after discharge from neonatal intensive care unit of Mulago Hospital [1]
      Patients knowledge about prescribed antimicrobial drugs at the outpatient department Naguru hospital [1]
      Patients’ knowledge, perception and practices of the radiological services provided by radiographers at Kawempe Referral Hospital [1]
      Pattern of cervical cancer among females presenting to Makerere University Pathology Core Reference Laboratory. A 5-year review [1]
      Pattern of cervical cancer among females presenting to Makerere University Pathology Core Reference Laboratory. A 5-year review. [1]
      Patterns and factors associated with antibiotic self medication among resident undergraduate students at makerere university. [1]