Comparative analysis of microbial composition of hotel washing water and tap water in areas surrounding Makerere University with examination based on E.coli and streptococcus SPP
The main objective of the study was to investigate the microbial composition of hotel hand washing water and tap water in areas surrounding Makerere University. The study included collecting of samples from different food spots around Makerere university with a sample size of twenty samples (20) .The study found out that E-coli contamination was 60% more than streptococcus 15%. This means there are higher chances of diseases like diarrhea. The study intended to be of significant help to the university and the Department of Environmental Management to provide important opportunities for researchers to investigate the epidemiology and transmission of the disease which is caused by contaminated water including the identification of the risk factors and the development of the new prevention strategies. The findings intended to inform the policy makers about the burden of contaminated water and the effectiveness of existing interventions which will enable proper usage of clean or treated water in order to improve the health of residents around Makerere University.