Vehicle to Vehicle communication to prevent road accidents using cooperative collision warning.
Road accidents are one of the leading causes of loss of lives in Uganda each year. There
are various factors that react together to lead to these road accidents, the main factors
include human behavior and the vehicle’s condition. According to the annual crime
report 2022, there were 20,394 road accidents reported in the nation in 2022 as opposed
to 17,443 the year before. 61 percent of all accidents included reckless driving, and 22
individuals perished in every 100 collisions. Of these road accidents, most occur on
the highways and in public transportations which means a high number of causalities
because of the vehicles carrying a big number of passengers.
Some of the leading situations in which the road accidents occur are, during an
overtaking situation in which a driver wants to overtake a car that’s in front of them
but is not aware if there’s a car travelling in the opposite direction in the lane which he
wants to use to overtake the car in front of them, the other situation is when the driver
is negotiating a corner but is not aware of the car approaching from the opposite
direction, and at night when the driver doesn’t have a clear view of the road above and
ends up colliding with a car in front of them.
After observing the problem of road accidents crippling the economic development of
our motherland Uganda, me and my project partner using the knowledge that we have
achieved over the course of 4 years decided to undertake a project that allows us to
develop a low-cost system that is able to tell a driver when it’s safe to overtake a car
that is in front of them using vehicle-to-vehicle communication. We used materials that
are readily available in Uganda and at a low-cost.