A descriptive study of wall paintings in kifumbira-kibinika slums.
Ghetto art was majorly inform of wall paintings and most of it originated from the jewish concentration camps where these expressed their conditions through art for instance Mosche Ryneck a
painted who lived in the Warsaw ghetto whose paintings covered the persecution of the
The holocaust was the period in history between 1941-1945 where Germany and its collaborator
made a genocide of European jews. This drived these artists toward subjects exposing the cruelty
and inhumanity of the Nazis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org>wiki>The_Holocaust
I am in agreement with the pragmatic theory of art that explains the importance of art as for enhancing experience and thoughts, a means of escape from, or consolation for, reality. Art is also used to
create a fantasy of what should be like, for pleasure and delight and majorly as a means of communication. retiary.org/art_theories/art_theory_frameset.html#:~:text=Pragmatic%20theories%3A%20art%20co
Wall painting in the Kifumbira-Kibinika slums should be embraced by the youth as a means of employment and also as a platform for the youth to express their feelings about either social or political prospects peacefully. I stand in agreement with the the article done by CNN about the favela
painting and in it a former drug dealer 'Tigrao' or 'Big tiger' expressed how this community art
project changed his outlook on life , he further explains wall painting as a job and a tool for cutting
on the level of drug abuse in slums. He was quoted to have said, "If coral had 30 or 50 more job
openings, I'm certain they would pull 50 more people off the wrong path". Inotherwords, according
to this article on wall painting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by dutch artists Jeroen Koolhas and Dre Urharn together with the help of the local people, wall painting was presented as a possible solution to
the drug abuse and unemployment in this slum.
For instance,in feference to The Za’atari Project– empowering refugees through extraordinary
public murals and educational art works ,the young refugees participate in the creation of murals
across the camp, paint wheelbarrows and tents and create kites. The Za’atari project’s website