Now showing items 1-10 of 153
The theme of laziness in selected folk tales of Bakiga of South Western Uganda.
(Makerere University., 2021-05-25)
The study explores the theme of laziness and literally devices that develop it in selected Rukiga folktales. The research is qualitative in nature. The study identified folktales which originated from Bakiga to extract the ...
The theme of laziness in Gishu folktales, Lubuuya Dialect.
(Makerere University., 2021-05-25)
This study examines "The theme of laziness in Gishu folktales, Lubuuya dialect". The study is a necessary requirement for the award of a Bachelors degree of Arts in Education. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. ...
Ulinganishi wa nafasi ya vijana katika tamthilia za kisasa na zamani (1950-1980) na (1990-2000): comparison of the role of youth in modern and ancient dramas (1950-1980) and (1990-2000)
(Makerere University, 2021-02-23)
Utafiti huu ulidhamiria kutathimini usawili wa wahusika vijana kwa kutumia tamthilia teule za zamani na hizi za kisasa, ili kugundua usawili wa vijana kama waandishi wa tamthilia mbalimbali ...
Athari ya lugha ya Kikiga katika Ujifunzaji wa ngeli ya ki-vi ya KISWAHILI (The effect Rukiga Language on the teaching of Ki-Vi class of Noun in Kiswahili
(Makerere University., 2021-04-29)
This dissertation is motivated by the researcher's need to explore how different tribes in Uganda especially Bakiga-Banyankore who have been affected by their mother tongues during the teaching and learning of kiswahili. ...
Matumizi ya mbinu za lugha katika kuendeleza maudhui mfano katika tamthilia za kiswahili mizigo na kimya kimyakimya.
(Makerere University., 2021-04-15)
Lengo kuu la utafiti huu lilikuwa kuchunguza namna Matumizi ya mbini za lugha katika kuendeleza maudhui mfano katika tamthilia za Mizigo na Kimya Kimya Kimya Pia, malengo mahususi yalikuwa mawili; ambayo ni; Kuchunguza ...
Ulinganishaji wa maudhui ya ufisadi katika riwaya ya vipuli vya figo na jamii halisi
(Makerere University., 2021-04-12)
Design and construction of An FM transmitter.
(Makerere University., 2021-01-16)
In the last 30 years wireless communication has deeply changed the human lifestyle [1]; it has enhanced the exchange of information across the globe quickly and efficiently. Transmission of audio message wirelessly provides ...
The contribution off media fraternities towards the development of Kiswahili in Uganda since 1986.
(Makerere University., 2021-04-27)
This dissertation is motivated by the researcher’s need to explore how different media fraternities (i.e., media houses & social media platforms) have enhanced the development of Kiswahili language in Uganda. Kiswahili is ...
The portrayal of women in selected Kifumbira folktales.
(Makerere University, 2021-04)
The study was carried out in Kisoro district south western Uganda in Shozi village in order to identify the image of women in kifumbiira folktales.The idea of carrying out this research was to find out the image of women. ...