Now showing items 1-10 of 38
Symbolism in the selected Batuku folktales
(Makerere University, 2020-12)
This research was mainly carried out to clarify the interpretation of this piece of literature and analyze the manifestation of symbolism with close reference to a few selected Batuku folktales.
This research also majors ...
Symbolism in Luganda proverbs
(Makerere University, 2021-01)
This study is about symbolism in Luganda Proverbs, examining the language and analyzing the symbols.
Symbolism requires assessing, translating and interpreting the meaning of a source language and expressing the same ...
Investigating the effectiveness of symbolism in selected Tooro folktales
(Makerere university, 2021-01)
This study examines the effectiveness of symbolism in tooro folktales.The general objective of the study was to asses the effectiveness of symbolism in coveying the message.This was achieved through content analysis of the ...
The power of symbolism in Ateso folktales
(Makerere University, 2022-05-12)
This research article investigates the various Ateso folktales (narratives) and the aspect of symbolism embedded in them.It discusses the Teso narratives and the symbols used in them to bring out the traits of characters ...
The study of symbolism in Ankole marriage songs.
(Makerere University, 2022-04-27)
The major concern of this work is to examine the use of symbolism in Ankole marriage songs. These songs help to bring out various significances towards the development of themes, characterization. The researcher analyzed ...
Symbolism in selected Ganda proverbs
(Makerere University, 2022)
This research set out to analyze the symbolism embedded in Ganda proverbs, it involved the collection of fifty selected proverbs from both library/online resources and individuals in the field and extensive reading to ...
Symbolism in Rukiga proverbs and promotion of morals.
(Makerere University., 2022-04-28)
This study is to establish the relationship between symbols in proverbs that relate to promotion of morals among the people in general. It assesses the hidden meaning that is embedded in proverbs, the symbol (s) in the ...
Symbolism in proverbs of the Bahororo.
(Makerere University., 2022-05-11)
This research study was aimed at exploring the significance of symbols in the interpretation and understanding of proverbs among the Bahororo of Western Uganda. In this research study, I came up with a list of the proverbs ...
Symbolism in proverbs on development among the Banyankole of Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022)
This research was mainly carried out to examine and analyze the manifestation of symbolism in proverbs on development among the Banyankole of western Uganda. The findings of this research are elaborate to the dot and they ...
Symbolism in Luganda folktales
(Makerere University, 2022-10-14)
Folktales in Buganda have been and are still one of the most powerful oral literary tools used in grooming and the upbringing of children in the culture. This is done so that children do not forget their heritage, morals ...