Now showing items 2-21 of 1102

      Accessing the challenges of the steel-timber-concrete composite construction and the potential benefits of using this type of construction in Uganda [1]
      Accessing the impact of land use planning on social economic development in Kampala. [1]
      Accessing the impact of urbanization on land surface temperature case study Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Adapting lower secondary school spaces to the new Abridged Curriculum. [1]
      Adaptive predictive neural network for brickwall production rates [1]
      Adoption of agricultural land valuation practices among land owners in Kapchorwa district. [1]
      Adoption of land pooling as a strategy for slum upgrading in Kampala Case study: Kamwokya II [1]
      Adoption of technology for efficient property management in Kampala [1]
      Adoption of the hybrid technique in the property rating methodologies [1]
      Algae bloom detection and its spatial temporal change quantification in Lake Victoria. [1]
      Analysing the effect of sugarcane production on household food security using GIS and remote sensing: a case study of Iganga District [1]
      Analysing the effect of urban sprawl on land use change in Uganda in relation to achieving sustainable development goal 11. [1]
      Analysing the impact of adherence to occupational safety and health regulations to the occurrence of accidents in the construction industry in Uganda [1]
      Analysing the relationship between linear shrinkage and swell of soaked CBR Samples [1]
      Analysing the significance of key indicators of sustainable construction materials in promoting sustainable construction in Kampala [1]
      Analysis into the benefits and challenges of property conversion from residential to commercial use [1]
      An analysis of a building information modeling (BIM) based approach for optimizing the life cycle costs of buildings in Uganda. [1]
      An analysis of civic architecture (a case of selected district local government headquarters in eastern Uganda) [1]
      An analysis of factors influencing the development of real estate market near gated communities in Kampala [1]
      An analysis of fish processing and handling units in Uganda. (A case of Gaba fish market and IFTRA ltd). [1]