Now showing items 287-306 of 537

      Evaluating the effect of heat treatment on the stability of active ingredients in Antiretroviral drug residues in chicken and swine muscle for human consumption. [1]
      Evaluating the nutritional potential of bean leaves as a source of vitamin C, Betacarotene, Iron and Zinc and the effect of drying and boiling on the nutrient levels [1]
      Evaluation of Antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from selected cattle farms. [1]
      Evaluation of boiling lysis method of genomic viral RNA isolation from SARS-CoV2 nasopharyngeal swabs for reverse transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction. [1]
      Evaluation of Gastric Anti-ulcer activity and acute toxicity of ethanolic leaf extracts of Plectranthus caespitosus Lukhoba & A.J. Paton in winstar albino rats. [1]
      Evaluation of levels of use of legal fishing gears on selected landing sites on lake Victoria, Uganda [1]
      Evaluation of pre-pandemic antibody response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARs-CoV-2) IN Ugandan participants [1]
      Evaluation of the combined effects of tetradenia riparia and zingiber officinale extracts on staphylococcus aureus and klebsiella pneumoniae [1]
      Evaluation of the effect of honey sweetener on yoghurt shelf life [1]
      Evaluation of the fungicidal activities of Solanum Anguivi lam and euphorbia Heterophylla linn extracts on the growth of Rhizopus Stolonifer and Mucor SPP [1]
      Evaluation of the growth performance of mirror carp cultured in earthen ponds at low and high altitudes in eastern Uganda [1]
      Evaluation of the In-Vitro Efficacy of Aspergillus Niger as a biological control against the root knot Nematodes Meloidogyne SPP [1]
      Evaluation of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) body condition and fecundity under experimental conditions [1]
      Evaluation of the Phytochemical and Analgesic Properties of Crinum zeylanicum [1]
      Evaluation of the sub acute toxicity of the antimalarial herbs barbadensis miller (aloe vera) and momordica foetida (bombo) when used in combination in winster albino rats [1]
      Evaluation of the suitability of plant and textile substrates as attachment surfaces for mirror carp eggs during induced spawning by environmental simulation [1]
      Exercise prescription knowledge, attitude and practice of health professionals in Kampala district [1]
      Exercise-Related injuries in fitness centers in Kampala City: A situational analysis. [1]
      Exploring Larvicidal potential of citrus limon peel extracts as alternative control agent for Aedes aegypti [1]
      Exploring larvicidal potential of citrus limon peel extracts as alternative control agent for aedes aegypti. [1]