Now showing items 488-507 of 537

      Quantification of selected cancer quenching metabolites in flavonoid rich foods commonly consumed in Uganda [1]
      Quantitative Phytochemical Analysis of Albizia Adianthifolia(Ayek) and Gardenia Ternifolia(Odwong), two selected local herbs used for treating Tuberculosis in Northern Uganda [1]
      Relating the slot size regulation to the sizes of Nile perch maws for trade [1]
      Relationship between Hiv-1 specific T-cell and antibody responses in chronically infected antiretroviral naive Ugandan patients [1]
      The relationship between students' performances on sciences with their perception of causes of academic achievement [1]
      Relationship between the social environment and participation in physical activity among Secondary School students in Nansana Municipality Uganda [1]
      Relevance of indigenous Knowledge to conservation of plant and animal species in Busiriba subcounty Kamwenge district [1]
      A report of the geologic and geophysics field work of Semliki basin in the Albertine Graben, Ntoroko District, Western Uganda. [1]
      A Report on Igayaza isingiro field geological mapping project. [1]
      A report on Igayaza-Isingiro field geological mapping project and geological excursion to South-Western Uganda [1]
      Resurgence of the commercial fish catches post UPDMF-FPU deployment on Lake Victoria, Uganda. (a case study of Masaka district) [1]
      A retrospective study of the antimicrobial susceptibility of uropathogens isolated in microbiology laboratory of Mengo Hospital, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Risk factors and level of awareness of typhoid fever (salmonellosis) in slums of Nakawa Division [1]
      The role of Ecotones in stabilizing their constituent Ecosystems: A case study of Kisenyi-Makerere Ecotone in Kampala District, Uganda. [1]
      The role of temperature on the the quality of slime produced by giant African land snails. [1]
      Salmonella typhi contamination of foods and beverages sold in University kiosks. [1]
      Salt tolerance in mud fish (clariasliocephalus): implications for their domestication. [1]
      Sanitary status of fish handling equipment in Bwaise fish market Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Screening for the DAU Allele Cluster of the Rhesus D gene in sickle cell disease [1]
      Screening of selected entomopathogenic fungi for virulence against larvae of the fall armyworm spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. SMITH) [1]