Browsing Academic submissions (CAES) by Issue Date "2018-09"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Development of a Lemon- Flavoured Avocado Seed Beverage
(Makerere University, 2018-09)Consumption of avocado (Persea americana) has increased worldwide in recent years. However the skin and seed is lost during processing. This is probably because the consumers and processors lack adequate information about ... -
Efficiency of selected chemical pesticides in management of tomato pests and diseases in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2018-09)Cultivated tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.) is one of the most important economic vegetable crops in Uganda. However, it is susceptible to several pests and diseases that constrain its production resulting into economic ... -
Evaluating the effects of staking and pruning on the growth and yield of indigenous tomatoes at NaCRRI
(Makerere University, 2018-09)Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L) are the second most important vegetables in the world after potatoes, grown and eaten as protective foods that prevent the human body from several ailments. In Uganda there are different ... -
Factors affecting agroforestry adoption by farmers in Nebbi District: A case study of Arata Rac Farmers Group in Kucwiny Sub-County, Nebbi District
(Makerere University, 2018-09)This is a report of a study conducted about the adoption status of agroforestry practices in Kucwiny sub-county, Nebbi District. It examined the types of agroforestry practices that exist in the area, to assess factors ... -
Potential of Sir Samuel Baker's Fort Patiko for tourism growth in Gulu District
(2018-09)This study was carried out to assess thepotential of Sir Samuel Baker’s Fort Patiko for tourism growth in Gulu District. The objectives were; 1) to assess the attitude of local communities adjacent to the historical site ... -
Reversion from Sweet potato feathery mottle virus in bi-parental population of new kawogo and Beauregard
(Makerere University, 2018-09)Sweet potato is a major food crop grown mainly by the rural poor who make up most of Uganda’s population. In terms of dry matter production, it is the sixth most important food crop, after rice, wheat, potatoes, maize and ...