Now showing items 40-57 of 57

      Outcome of Urine cultures at the medical Microbiology laboratory of Makerere University college of Health Sciences [1]
      Parents experiences of caring for a preterm infant after discharge from neonatal intensive care unit of Mulago Hospital [1]
      Percieved risk for breast cancer and confidence in performing a breast self examination among women attending Buwambo Health Centre IV, Wakiso [1]
      Percieved risk of acquiring infections and practices of infection prevention among care givers of patients with HIVAIDS and T.B at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      Percieved risk of acquiring infections and practices of infection prevention among caregivers of patients with HIV/AIDS and T.B AT Hoima Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      Point of care, cervical cancer diagnostic test strip that detects HPVs 16 and 18 and their oncoproteins E6 and E7 in first void urine [1]
      Potential of source segregation of solid waste in Kumi Municipality, Uganda [1]
      Prevalance and factors associated with substance abuse among teenagers in Wanyange vil;lage, Jinja district [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with occupational injuries among employees in carpentry workshops in Ndeeba Trading Centre Lubaga Division, Kampala [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with the uptake of HIV testing services among males attending Jinja Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      The Prevalence of Dysmenorrhea and Self Care Management of Dysmenorrhea among resident Makerere University female students in Kampala Uganda [1]
      Prevalence of malaria in sickle cell patients under five years that visited the Sickle Cell Clinic of Mulago, Jan-April 2018 [1]
      Prevalence of urine cytological abnormalities as seen among mothers attending Naguru Hospital Antenatal Clinic [1]
      A rapid procedure that detects P24 antigen and HIV-RNA biomarkers simultaneously to early diagnose HIV within 72 hours of infection [1]
      Study of the principles in the first phase of experimental pharmacology: the basic step with assumption hypothesis [1]
      Suicidal tendencies among undergraduate students using alcohol and drugs in Makerere University [1]
      To determine relatedness of 18 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates collected in Uganda [1]
      Use of Procalcitonin, IFN-γ-Inducible Protein-10 (IP 10), Presepsin and Mannan to identify the cause of infection at the onset of sepsis in resource constrained settings [1]