Now showing items 1-20 of 78

      Access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises: a case for creating an enabling legal environment for venture capital financing in Uganda [1]
      Access to justice for women with disabilities in Kampala during the COVID-19 pandemic; a learning experience for future crises [1]
      AI as a game changer for health care: analyzing artificial intelligence’s role in the procurement and distribution of essential drugs in Uganda [1]
      Analysis of health rights of females with physical disabilities in Uganda [1]
      An analysis of the efficiency of Uganda's legal regime for consumer protection through regulation of marketing on the cyber space [1]
      An analysis of the impact of consideration of geo-political interests vis-a-vie objective legal considerations for military intervention by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, on the implementation of the responsibility to protect [1]
      An analysis of the impact of the computer misuse act, 2011 on the freedom of expression in Uganda [1]
      An analysis of the legal and regulatory framework for corporate governance in secondary schools in Uganda. [1]
      An analysis of the observance of the law of armed conflict by non-state actors in relation to international law: a case of the republic of South Sudan [1]
      An analysis on the effect of the gender divide and gender inequality on women’s progression in employment in Uganda. [1]
      An appraisal of the effects of the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement on Regional Trade Agreements(RTAs): A case of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTFA) [1]
      An appraisal of the jurisprudence of the industrial court of Uganda on unlawful termination [1]
      An appraisal of the law on national content in Uganda's oil and gas industry: a case of upstream and midstream statutory law and national content regulations [1]
      Arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution for commercial disputes in Uganda [1]
      Artificial intelligence and the right to privacy in Uganda [1]
      Assessing the impact of universal health care in Uganda [1]
      Assessing the liability for artificial intelligence systems under the modern tort regime in Uganda: the case of negligence and defamation [1]
      Assessing the role of labour officers in addressing labour disputes in Uganda [1]
      Assessing the role of the constitution in the development of feminist jurisprudence in Uganda: 1995- present [1]
      Assessment of local council courts in the administration of justice In Uganda [1]